Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Freebie Winner

Hi Cookie fans! Ok so the randomly picked winner for the Barbie Airbrush Designer set is..... Anya G. ! Please claim prize by emailing me at within 2 days so I can get the blind bag mailed out to you. Again if you are under 18 a parent must email me the address. 
Thank you to all the cookie fans who entered. I had over 2,500 cookie fans enter in to win but I could only have 1 winner. But not to worry, I have lots of fun toys to share with you. 

Here is the next freebie: Random lot of Squinkies, including a rare unicow! I will have the next freebie posted here next week so check back to enter!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Unicow Squinkies !!!

Yay cookie fans!! I hope you are having a wonderful day. The website is going to be going through a few updates over the next week so it may look a bit different. But don't forget to check back soon! I will have another freebie to share with a lucky cookie fan! In the Squinkie Do Drops video below I found 2 Ultra Rare Unicows (unicorn cows) and I would love to share my doubles along with this ultra rare Squinkie. I will have full details of the freebie posted right here on the blog next week!!! Enjoy the video:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Cookieswirlc Random Toy Blind Bag Winner

Hi Cookie fans! Ok so the randomly picked winner for the random toy blind bag is..... tjtaterbug! Please claim prize by emailing me at within 2 days so I can get the blind bag mailed out to you. Again if you are under 18 a parent must email me the address. 
Thank you to all the cookie fans who entered. I had over 1,700 cookie fans enter in to win but I could only have 1 winner. But not to worry, I have lots of fun toys to share with you. 
Here is the next freebie: The Barbie Airbrush Designer!

You can watch the review video of the freebie set above.
You must be 18 or older to claim the prize. If winner is under 18 a parent must be the one to email me the address to mail the prize. Your Youtube or Instagram name is how winner will be announced in a Youtube video and on blog. I will pay all cost to ship Freebie Barbie Airbrush Designer to the lucky winner. Freebie ends 8/16/16 at 11:59 PM PT.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Next Freebie Sneak Peak

Reminder to my cookie fans, the freebie ends tomorrow night for a cookie blind bag of 30 random toys that I have duplicates of. Scroll below a few post to enter.

Did you see the sneak peak of the next freebie for next week? Its near the end of the video if you would like to see it here:

I will have all details for how to enter next week posted here on the blog.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cookieswirlc Toy Blind Bag

Cookieswirlc Random mystery toy blind bag with 12 surprise Num Noms

Hi Cookie fans and Cookie fan parents! I have a bunch of toys that I would love to share with you! I have put together a random blind bag filled with 30 toys (doubles or toys I don't use anymore), 12 of the toys are Num Noms from my Num Noms blind bag truck video. You can check it out here:

I would love to mail this special Mystery Num Noms/ Random toy (doubles) blind bag to a lucky cookie fan! You must be 18 or older to claim the prize. If winner is under 18 a parent must be the one to email me the address to mail the prize. Your youtube or instagram name is how winner will be announced in a Youtube video and on blog. I will pay all cost to ship Freebie toy blind bag to the lucky winner. Freebie ends 8/7/16 at 11:59 PM PT.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Fan Mail

More amazing fan mail drawings and blind bags!
Handmade blind bags for MLP, awesome chocolate chip cookie drawings, a paper plushy cookie and a super fun maze!!

Check out the super cool cookie box!! More awesome fan mail!
My favorite color is pink and my fav show is My Little Pony :)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Candy Jar Shopkins Winners

Ok I have emailed the Shopkins freebie winners just now. I will be doing more freebies so don't forget to check back soon!!!
Prizes waiting to be claimed by cookie fan freebie winners.

Friday, July 15, 2016

MyFroggyStuff and Cookieswirlc Video

Yay MyFroggyStuff was kind enough to voice a frog Littlest Pet Shop character in one of my play videos. Check out the MyFroggyStuff channel for the most amazing crafts and fun!

You can watch the play video here:

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Candy Shopkins for Cookie Fans

Hi Cookie fans and Cookie fan parents I have extra Shopkins that I would like to share with you. These are the super special Shopkins that you can only get in the candy jar blind bags
You can watch the video of me opening up some of the prizes here:

I will pick 2 lucky winners to win 10 random candy jar Shopkins each. You can see some of the prizes in the video above :)
 I will pay all cost to ship the prize to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan. You must be over 18 years of age to enter and claim prize by Sunday 7/17/16. Freebie will end at midnight PT on Friday 7/15/16. The winner will be picked at random and contacted by email by Saturday 12:00 pm PT . Enter above to win!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Freebie Winner Emailed

Ok I just emailed the Animal Jam Freebie winner. Thank you to all the fans who entered. I wish I had 1,500 more to give out. Check back soon for more freebies for being an awesome cookie fan!!!!! :)

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Animal Jam Blind Bag Fun

Cookie fans and cookie fan parents you could win 2 Animal Jam toys and codes. I had 2 extra Animal Jam toys from my Animal Jam blind bag video that I would like to share with you.
You can watch the video of me opening up the prizes here:

The lucky winner will receive 2 Animal Jam toys and over 20 unused codes to enter into the Animal Jam game. You can see the exact prizes in the video above :)
 I will pay all cost to ship the prize to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan. You must be over 18 years of age to enter and claim prize by Tuesday 7/5/16. Freebie will end at midnight PT on Sunday 7/3/16. The winner will be picked at random and contacted by email by Monday 12:00 pm PT . Enter above to win!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Yay Cool Cookie Fans Drawings

Cookie Fans are the best drawers! Look at how creative they are!

Awesome Shopkins drawings, a mermaid, me in a cookie outfit and a mini cookie sign on a stick :)
Thank you cookie fans for the sweet fan mail!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Yummy World Freebies

The 2 cookie fan winners have been emailed!!! :)
Please don't forget to claim prize by tomorrow so I can get prizes mailed out.
Thank you to everyone who entered. I wish I had 500 more to give out. Keep checking back for more cookie freebies.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Yummy World

Cookie Fans and Cookie Fan Parents you could win 3 free Yummy World keychains. I had extra keychains from my Yummy World unboxing video that I would love to share with my fans.

I will pick 2 winners at random each to win 3 random Yummy World keychains. You must be 18 years or older to enter and must claim the prize by Saturday 6/18/16. Freebies end tonight at midnight. 2 Winners will be picked by email by 9am Friday 6/17/16.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fan Mail Thank you

I just wanted to say again thank you to my wonderful cookie fans + cookie fan parents for all your sweet fan mail. I'm trying to work out a system where I can open fan mail faster since I have boxes and boxes of sweet letters and packages I can't wait to read. 
Thank you for understanding that I am one person who has over 2 million fans so it takes me time to open fan mail. Actually fan mail is very hard for me to open fast believe it or not because I'm so touched by everyone's kindness. I read every letter and look at all the drawings for several minutes before opening the next letter.

Fan mail from last month waiting to be opened.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sweet Comments

Lol I love the first comment :)
Thank you for the sweetest comments ever!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Sweet Cookie Fan Youtube Comments

Awww the sweetest comments!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Fan Mail :D

Yay check out this awesome cookie fan mail I opened this week!!!
Thank you cookie fans!

Shopkins Swapkins Party Fun

I had a blast at the Shopkins Swapkins 2016 Party. It was on Saturday at Toys R Us, you could trade your Shopkins with other fans and pick up an exclusive Season 5 12 pack with a gold Kooky Cookie inside! It was wonderful meeting awesome cookie fans, cookie parents and other Shopkins collectors. You got a free Shopkins trading tray and a free Twozies blind bag also! I can't wait until next years!

I brought a bag with Apple Blossom filled with Shopkins to trade and free Shopkins plushies to give out.

Inside had a mix of seasons + the candy jar exclusives and I added in the jumbo Shopkins for some fun!

I filled up 2 trading trays with Shopkins. I traded a few but mostly gave Shopkins away for free (because cookie fans are the best!) You can see the Twozies blind bag in the tray too. I can't wait to open, video coming soon!

Here is the video of the Gold Kooky Cookie unboxing. I got to open one up early as Moose toys was kind enough to send me a pack before the event:

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Freebies Mailed

Ok I have mailed out the Num Noms freebies to my awesome cookie fans as a thank you for being a fan!!! I hope you enjoy! 

Truck is is loaded up with cookie fan Num Noms freebies packages off to their new homes.

I have 10 Num Noms unclaimed from the last freebie and my custom cookie pony so I'll have another freebie givaway for them again, check back soon.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Num Nom Freebie Winners

Ok all 25 winners have been emailed for the Num Noms freebie. I would love to ship out the freebies this week so check your emails and see if you were picked. Check back soon because I have a lot more freebies coming soon!!

The prizes are ready for there new homes

Winners will be picked soon

Hi I will be emailing the 25 winners of the Num Noms freebie around noon time (PT). 
Also I'm still waiting to hear back from the cookie pony custom freebie winner. Please check your email if you were the winner of that freebie.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Social Media Cookie Fans

Thank you for all the love awesome cookie fans and cookie parents!!! 

Aww a cookie fan made this collection for me on Polyvore:

I am in Love with the chocolate chip cookie sweater!!!

Thank you for the sweet tweets on Twitter too cookie fans:

25 Freebie Num Noms

If you are a big cookie fan (and Num Noms fan) I would like to give you a free Num Noms. I had 25 extra Num Noms from my Num Noms blind bag truck video that I would like to share with you. So I will be mailing out 25 Numnoms to 25 different cookie fans.
You can watch the video of me opening up the Num Noms here:

Each winner will receive at random 1 Num and 1 Nom lipgloss both brand new in a sealed package.  You can see the exact prizes in the video above.
I will pick 25 Cookie Fans at RANDOM to win the Freebies. I will pay all cost to ship the Numnoms to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan. You must be over 18 years of age to enter and claim prize. Freebie will end at midnight on Saturday 5/22/16. The winners will be contacted by email. Enter below to win!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Num Noms To Share

I'm going to do the freebie soon for the Num Noms extras that I opened up in my youtube video below:

I have 25 new in bag NumNoms to give to cookie fans. I will post details soon. No worries the freebie will be open for 24 hours so you will have plenty of time to enter.

Cookie Comments are the Best

I still can't believe how lucky I am to have the sweetest fans in the world!! Thank you for being the best cookie fans!!!

Real comments from this video

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Custom Pop Pony Freebie - Closed

Update: Winner has been emailed, check back later for another freebie :)

I would love to give my custom painted Cookie Pony to a lucky cookie fan! This special pony is super unique and the only one in the world because it was painted by me, Cookieswirlc. So you could be the one and only owner of this Cookie Pony that I painted from a POP My Little Pony Fluttershy. You can watch the video of me making her here:

I'm am trying out a new freebie style by having you enter below:

There can only be one winner. You must be over 18 to enter.
Freebie ends at 12:00am tonight!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Shopkins Swapkins Party

Yay Shopkins is having a Swapkins party at Toys R Us on May 28th! Bring your Shopkins and trade them with other collectors. Moose Toys is also going to reveal a brand new collectible at the party to!! Oooh what could it be!!!???
Also you can get an exclusive Gold Kooky Cookie in the Season 5 12 pack only found at the Swapkins party event! You don't want to miss it!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Reading Comments

I love this idea of reading cookie fan comments. I truly have the best comments in the world and I can't wait to read them in a video :)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

USA Shopkins Blind Bag (Closed)

Freebie is Closed- winner has been contacted.

If you are a big cookie fan (and Shopkins fan) I would like to give you a free blind bag. I had some extra Shopkins Plush Hanger blind bags from one of my videos that I would like to share with you. 

I would love to send one blind bag to 1 lucky cookie fan who email the answer to this question: In the above Cookieswirlc video how many light blue paint pots does the set come with ? You have until 9:30 PM tonight  California time to email in the answer to ____ . I will pick 1 Cookie Fan at RANDOM to win the Freebie. I will pay all cost to ship the blind bag to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan.
*Please note, I have 2 blind bags to mail out to 2 fans. I have over 2 million cookie fans around the world but only 1 blind bag to mail out right now. I had the international time zone freebie earlier this morning. This is the USA time zone freebie for the second blind bag :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

International Time Blind Bag (Closed)

Freebie is Closed - Winner has been contacted.

If you are a big cookie fan (and Shopkins fan) I would like to give you a free blind bag. I had some extra Shopkins Plush Hanger blind bags from one of my videos that I would like to share with you. 
Watch Video here:

I would love to send one blind bag  to 1 lucky cookie fan who email the answer to this question: In the above Cookieswirlc video how many blind bag baskets did Peppa Mint wheel in on her cart? You have until 5:00 AM California time to email in the answer to ___ . I will pick 1 Cookie Fan at RANDOM to win the Freebie. I will pay all cost to ship the blind bag to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan.

*Please note, I have 2 blind bags to mail out but I will be doing each freebie at different times. This one is for the international time zone. I will post the USA time zone freebie tomorrow so all the cookie fans around the world get a chance to win :)

Shopkins Blind Bags

Hi Cookie Fans, Ok I have 2 blind bags that I would love to mail out to 2 cookie fans.  For the next freebie I will offer one during USA time and one at International time. I will pick 2 fans at random.
Please remember I have over 2 million cookie fans but only 2 blind bags so I can only mail out to two winners. But not to worry, I have a lot more freebies for you cookie fans.
I'll post more info here soon.

Fun on AJ

Yay I had fun going to cookie fans dens on AJ. I can't wait to play again.
Check out the video of all the fun!

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Look at all the cookie colored animals!! :)

Ok it has been a long time since I have played Animal Jam, so I'm going to try to log in again and play today. I will start logging in at 12:00 Pm PT California time (please remember I may be in a different time zone as you) 4/23/16 My user name is Miniswirl. Feel free to post a comment on my AJ wall, I'd love to hear from you.
I hope I'm able to log in but I have been having some log in errors. If I can't log in I will post a message here and let you know :)

Check out a few of my AJ videos here:

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Having A Great Time

This comment on my Chubby Puppies video means so much to me and makes me feel so happy that my viewers can tell that I myself really love my videos and have soo much fun while filming. I get so excited when I review items so I'm so happy that it comes across in my videos. I only film when I'm in a creative mood, because emotions really do translate.
Thank you for this awesome comment  cookie fan!!
You can watch the Chubby Puppies video above or go to the video on Youtube to find the comment. :D

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Best Fans

Thank you cookie fans for being the best ever!! I don't know how I got so lucky! Thank you for all your kind words. No matter what video I click on of mine the comments are always the sweetest!

Season 5 Shopkins

Are you ready for season 5 Shopkins?
Meet the new characters here:

Friday, April 15, 2016


Hi cookie fans! Learn how to paint ombre color in my Littlest Pet Shop DIY video. Custom paint any of your double toys by mixing 2 colors together in the middle to get the color to blend easily and fade into each other.

Learn how here:

I'd love to see and share your photos here of your customs. 
Email photos of your customs at

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Freebies Mailed

Ok all the My Little Pony blind bags and other freebies have been mailed to Cookie Fans, except one that I'm still waiting to hear back from.
More freebies coming soon .....

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

More Freebies Soon

Thank you to all my cookie fans who emailed in to win for the My Little Pony blind bags. I wish I could mail a blind bag to everyone who entered but I only had 6. But they great news is that I have more to share with you cookie fans. Keep checking back here, as I may not have an announcement on Youtbue, for more freebies. I'm doing some spring cleaning and giving away all my doubles, including Shopkins and Frozen, to my Cookie Fans!!! So if you didn't win the My Little Pony blind bag, no worries, I have doubles of the pony's from the first video opening that I will be giving away. So check back soon for more freebies from Cookie.

All the extra pony's from this video will be given away soon:

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MLP Blind Bags For Cookie Fans (Closed)

MLP blind bag freebie is closed, winners have been contacted.
I have lots more freebies so keep checking back.

Free My Little Pony blind bags for my Cookie fans.
If you are a big cookie fan (and My Little Pony fan) I would like to give you a free blind bag.
I had some extra My Little Pony blind bags from my last video that I would like to share with you.
I have 5 Metallic My Little Pony Blind Bags and 1 Radz Candy My Little Pony Blind Bag.

I would love to send one blind bag each to 6 lucky cookie fans who email the answer to this question: In the above Cookieswirlc video how many ponys are in a complete collection of Metallic My Little Pony figures? 
If under 18 years of age you must have a parent email me the answer! 
You have until 5 PM PT (5 PM California time) to email in the answer to ___
I will pick 6 Cookie Fans at RANDOM to win the Freebie.
 I will pay all cost to ship the blind bag to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Poppy Corn's Birthday

Poppy Corn Shopkins from Season 2 is having a birthday! You don't want to miss the video of the birthday boat party!! Watch it below:

Wow limited edition Buttercup from Season 1 knows how to throw a party. Did you see the prequel video?:

Shopkins Art

Cookie fans know how much I love Shopkins. Check out their awesome art that they have mailed into me. Thank you cookie fans!!
I LOVE all the drawings!!!

Save On Cookie Fan Shirts

Don't forget to add coupon code APRIL16 to your Cookieswirlc Order for 15% off!!!

Todays About Luck For Free Ducks (Closed)

Update: Winner has been contacted, freebie is now closed. Check back soon for more free gifts from Cookie.

This mom and baby duck set would like to come live with you. I would love to give this brand new set to 1 lucky cookie fan.

These are some of my favorite Little Live Pets so far. They are super cute and they really sing to each other. You can watch the review video of them here:

I would love to send this set to a lucky cookie fan who is the first to email the answer to this question: In the above Cookieswirlc video did the pink duck lay a foam egg or a chocolate egg? The first cookie fan to email  he question right will win the freebie, . If under 18 years of age you must have a parent email me the answer! I will pay all cost to have ducks shipped to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Sweet Comments

Thank you for the sweetest comments on my videos. I always smile when reading them :D

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Fan Mail

I love this part of the letter "your video let me play with toys more." I'm so happy that my videos inspire fans to play with their toys. Imagination is where everything starts and playing with toys opens up a world of unlimited imagination.

A cookie fan also mailed in this mini book of her drawings.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Cookie Fan Art

Check out the amazing fan art cookie drawings mailed in this week from Cookieswirlc fans:

Cookie fans are super creative! I love the cookie emojis, rainbow cookie, the cookie with green feet, and cookie with pink hair.

More awesome cookies!!!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Packages on the Way

I have finally gone to the post office to mail out packages to cookie fans!!! Thank you for being so patient. I don't go to the post office very often but gifts for cookie fans are on the way .... enjoy.

Keep checking website for free giveaways :)

Happy April Fools Day

Wow It's April 1st already! This year is really flying by! Speaking of flying by...... enjoy this video of Season 2 Shopkins Sneaky Wedge pulling a prank on Season 3 Beverley Heels:

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Cookie Fans Comments :D

I love reading cookie fan comments!!! Check out some that gave me a smile:

Happy Easter! Win A Free Shopkins Blind Bag!!! (Closed)

Update: Giveaway is now Closed and winners have been contacted! :D

Happy Easter Cookie Fans! I hope you hop around with happiness today. Here is another sweet treat! I would like to give 2 lucky cookie fans a Shopkins Plushy blind bag. These blind bags are really cool. Check out my review video on them here:

If you would like to win one of these Shopkins blind bags all you have to do is email the answer to this question:
In the Cookieswirlc video "Easter Surprise Box from Moose Toys & Fan Mail Opening" what color was the egg box from a cookie fan?
The first 2 cookie fans to email in the question right will win one of the above blind bags.
(if under 18 years of age please have your parent email me the answer)