Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Freebie Winner

Hi Cookie fans! Ok so the randomly picked winner for the Barbie Airbrush Designer set is..... Anya G. ! Please claim prize by emailing me at within 2 days so I can get the blind bag mailed out to you. Again if you are under 18 a parent must email me the address. 
Thank you to all the cookie fans who entered. I had over 2,500 cookie fans enter in to win but I could only have 1 winner. But not to worry, I have lots of fun toys to share with you. 

Here is the next freebie: Random lot of Squinkies, including a rare unicow! I will have the next freebie posted here next week so check back to enter!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Unicow Squinkies !!!

Yay cookie fans!! I hope you are having a wonderful day. The website is going to be going through a few updates over the next week so it may look a bit different. But don't forget to check back soon! I will have another freebie to share with a lucky cookie fan! In the Squinkie Do Drops video below I found 2 Ultra Rare Unicows (unicorn cows) and I would love to share my doubles along with this ultra rare Squinkie. I will have full details of the freebie posted right here on the blog next week!!! Enjoy the video:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Cookieswirlc Random Toy Blind Bag Winner

Hi Cookie fans! Ok so the randomly picked winner for the random toy blind bag is..... tjtaterbug! Please claim prize by emailing me at within 2 days so I can get the blind bag mailed out to you. Again if you are under 18 a parent must email me the address. 
Thank you to all the cookie fans who entered. I had over 1,700 cookie fans enter in to win but I could only have 1 winner. But not to worry, I have lots of fun toys to share with you. 
Here is the next freebie: The Barbie Airbrush Designer!

You can watch the review video of the freebie set above.
You must be 18 or older to claim the prize. If winner is under 18 a parent must be the one to email me the address to mail the prize. Your Youtube or Instagram name is how winner will be announced in a Youtube video and on blog. I will pay all cost to ship Freebie Barbie Airbrush Designer to the lucky winner. Freebie ends 8/16/16 at 11:59 PM PT.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Next Freebie Sneak Peak

Reminder to my cookie fans, the freebie ends tomorrow night for a cookie blind bag of 30 random toys that I have duplicates of. Scroll below a few post to enter.

Did you see the sneak peak of the next freebie for next week? Its near the end of the video if you would like to see it here:

I will have all details for how to enter next week posted here on the blog.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cookieswirlc Toy Blind Bag

Cookieswirlc Random mystery toy blind bag with 12 surprise Num Noms

Hi Cookie fans and Cookie fan parents! I have a bunch of toys that I would love to share with you! I have put together a random blind bag filled with 30 toys (doubles or toys I don't use anymore), 12 of the toys are Num Noms from my Num Noms blind bag truck video. You can check it out here:

I would love to mail this special Mystery Num Noms/ Random toy (doubles) blind bag to a lucky cookie fan! You must be 18 or older to claim the prize. If winner is under 18 a parent must be the one to email me the address to mail the prize. Your youtube or instagram name is how winner will be announced in a Youtube video and on blog. I will pay all cost to ship Freebie toy blind bag to the lucky winner. Freebie ends 8/7/16 at 11:59 PM PT.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Fan Mail

More amazing fan mail drawings and blind bags!
Handmade blind bags for MLP, awesome chocolate chip cookie drawings, a paper plushy cookie and a super fun maze!!

Check out the super cool cookie box!! More awesome fan mail!
My favorite color is pink and my fav show is My Little Pony :)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Candy Jar Shopkins Winners

Ok I have emailed the Shopkins freebie winners just now. I will be doing more freebies so don't forget to check back soon!!!
Prizes waiting to be claimed by cookie fan freebie winners.