Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MLP Blind Bags For Cookie Fans (Closed)

MLP blind bag freebie is closed, winners have been contacted.
I have lots more freebies so keep checking back.

Free My Little Pony blind bags for my Cookie fans.
If you are a big cookie fan (and My Little Pony fan) I would like to give you a free blind bag.
I had some extra My Little Pony blind bags from my last video that I would like to share with you.
I have 5 Metallic My Little Pony Blind Bags and 1 Radz Candy My Little Pony Blind Bag.

I would love to send one blind bag each to 6 lucky cookie fans who email the answer to this question: In the above Cookieswirlc video how many ponys are in a complete collection of Metallic My Little Pony figures? 
If under 18 years of age you must have a parent email me the answer! 
You have until 5 PM PT (5 PM California time) to email in the answer to ___
I will pick 6 Cookie Fans at RANDOM to win the Freebie.
 I will pay all cost to ship the blind bag to you anywhere in the world as a thank you for being an awesome cookie fan.